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Bucha Lyceum № 3

A solar station with energy storage systems was launched in Bucha Lyceum №3.

The Foundation has completed the construction of a solar station equipped with energy storage systems with a total capacity of 40 kWh for Bucha Lyceum №3. Such systems provide proper power supply to the school for up to 3 hours in the event of a shutdown of the main power source. So from now on, 30% of the school's annual energy consumption will be provided by solar energy.

Official launch of the solar station

15 February 2024

This station is the fourth in the 100 Solar Schools initiative.

“This project is not just about installing solar panels; it's about laying the foundation for a future where renewable energy and education go hand in hand, proving that even in the hardest times, creation triumphs over destruction. The Bucha Lyceum №3 solar power plant stands as a testament to what can be achieved when communities, businesses, and nations unite for a common cause: a greener, more sustainable world.” – highlighted Yuliana Onishchuk, Founder and CEO, Energy Act for Ukraine Foundation.

Installation of solar panels

The start of construction and installation works, installation of solar panels on the roof for Bucha Lyceum №3.

Technical information about the facility:

  • Power plant capacity - 20 kW

  • Capacity of battery packs - 40 kWh

  • Number of solar panels - 47.

The installation of the solar station will help reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, in particular CO2, by 445 tonnes over 25 years. 

Delivery of equipment from our partners


In August 2023, the foundation's team received equipment from partners and donors: Menlo, Deye

  • Menlo Electric provided solar modules;

  • Deye provided an energy storage system and an inverter.

  • Donors: ABO Wind, Akuo, Menlo Electric, Deye

    Partners: Solar Power Europe

    The total budget of the project:
    49 000 EUR

    Campaigns in numbers

    Infographic Buchansky Lyceum No. 3
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