Equipment for setting up a solar station was received
The official launch of a solar station
November 25
The start of work on the first project
November 15-25
Installation of the solar panels on the roof of Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"
The official launch of a solar station with an energy storage system at the Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"
November 25
The solar station with energy storage systems was equipped on the roof with a total capacity of 20 kW. The storage systems guarantee power supply to the lyceum for 3-5 hours in case of outages. The solar station will cover up to 35% of the school's average yearly consumption.

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"
Installation of the solar panels on the roof of Lyceum "Mriya"
November 15-25
Received equipment from our Donors:
-52 solar panels 385 Wp
-mounting structure/DC cables/connectors
-PV inverter STP 20000 TL-30 plus 3 pcs. battery inverters Sunny Island SI 6.0
-48 pcs. lead-gel batteries

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"

Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya"
October - equipment for setting up a solar station in the Lyceum "Mriya" was received.
June - the start of work on the first project - the installation of a solar station on the roof of the Lyceum "Mriya".
Partners and donors: BSW-Solar and its participating companies, who provided equipment and logistical assistance: Qcells Europe, BayWa r.e. Global, SMA Solar Technology, HOPPECKE Batterien and IBC SOLAR.
The installation of equipment at the Lyceum was financed by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The project was implemented with the support of the Solar Energy Association of Ukraine.