Students from grades 1-6 study at Pryluky Lyceum, with a total of about 570 children in 21 classes.
The entire lyceum building (almost 2800 sq.m), except for the food unit, is connected to the hybrid solar power station.
In addition to installing the hybrid solar power station, 52 lyceum students also completed the elective course "Sustainable Development and Green Energy."
solar panels
36 kW
total capacity
direct beneficiaries have felt positive changes
4 892
euros saved annually
Up to 4 h
of backup power supply
36 kWh
energy storage capacity
524.7 t
CO2 emission reduction over 25 years
Opening date: January 23, 2025
Donors and Partners:
The project to equip the educational institution with hybrid solar power stations was implemented in partnership with the Ukrainian World Congress as part of their Energize Ukraine initiative, as well as with the support of our partners:
TM "Loko Moko" and TM Lactel from Lactalis Ukraine, Menlo Electric and Energy 3000, Octopus Energy is also a partner of our foundation, supporting projects for the installation of renewable energy systems and energy storage systems in schools and hospitals across Ukraine.
Technical partner - "Rodyna" company.